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Self Esteem Bingo Game for Teens

Self Esteem Bingo Game for Teens

Self Esteem Bingo Game for Teens
Product Number 350770
Price: $42.95

Self-Esteem Bingo Game for Teens

Ages: 12-18. Explore the subject of self-esteem in a new way . . . with Self-Esteem Bingo! Using a familiar and fun game, five different areas are covered: benefits of self-esteem, self-esteem busters, self-esteem boosters, acknowledging strengths, and taking responsibility. Use the calling cards to introduce how these areas affect self-esteem on a day-to-day basis. Includes laminated cards, chips, calling cards, reproducible handouts, and instructions. For up to 16 players.

This game is also part of the Bingo Games for Teens Set.

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