Digital Flip Tip Book: Transition Resources Booklet:Understanding and Demonstrating Transferable Skills

Digital Flip Tip Book: Transition Resources Booklet:Understanding and Demonstrating Transferable Skills

Digital Transition Resources Booklet:Understanding and Demonstrating Transferable Skills
Product Number DIG2372
Price: $4.99

Digital Flip Tip Book: Transition Resources Booklet:Understanding and Demonstrating Transferable Skills

The authors of this transition series have based their advice on a combined 40 years of military service, 19 years in market research, 7 years in the Defense Industry, and 10 years Federal Civil Service. They've been candidates, recruiters, hiring managers, coaches, and mentors for transitioning veterans. By applying their "actionable intelligence" to the kinds of situations ahead, you'll be far more likely to transition with less fog and frustration, land well, and earn more. This booklet discusses what transferable skills are, why these skills are important, understanding the difference between claimed and demonstrated skills, successfully demonstrating these skills on your resume, discussing transferable skills during your interview, translating and talking about military skills and experiences, and a sample list of relevant transferable skills.

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