Change and Challenge Workbook: (10 Pack) Coping with Being Apart From Your Loved OnesThis workbook discuses coping with being away from your loved ones.Focuses on preparing for being apart, helping children with separation, getting though the separation, the reunion, and more.This 16-page interactive workbook helps military families cope with and overcome the unique changes and challenges that affect their day-to-day lives as well as their future. In addition to topical information, the workbook includes a checklist, rating scale, writing activity, true/false quiz, and more. The book is intended to help prevent some of the serious problems that affect military men and women by encouraging insight and awareness as well as when to seek additional help. Sold in packs of 10 workbooks of the same title. |
Deployment: Preparation to Homecoming Yellow Ribbon Banner Pen | Non Toxic Crayons | Set of Bill Tracker and Budget Handbook |