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Military Kids Emotional Resiliency Workbook: (50 Pk) 10 Things You Need To Know for When Your Mom/Dad Comes Home Spanish

Military Kids Emotional Resiliency Workbook: (50 Pk) 10 Things You Need To Know for When Your Mom/Dad Comes Home Spanish

Military Kids Emotional Resiliency Workbook: (50 Pk) 10 Things You Need To Know for When Your Mom/Dad Comes Home Spanish
Product Number SP1765
Original Price: $37.99
Price: $9.49

Military Kids Emotional Resiliency Workbook: (50 Pk) 10 Things You Need To Know for When Your Mom/Dad Comes Home - Spanish

Written by Dr. Lawrence Shapiro Ph.D., one of the nation's foremost experts on helping children learn to cope with and overcome emotional problems. Children anticipate a parent's homecoming with great joy and expectation, but after the excitement of the planning and the festivities fade, real problems can surface. This workbook helps children understand that their returning parent has gone through a difficult time, and may bring emotional or physical problems home with them. The resiliency skills taught in this workbook will help kids understand their role in the family, and not feel that they have to take care of a returning parent, or build up resentment because a homecoming does not live up to their fantasies. 16-pages.

Sold in packs of 50 workbooks of the same title.

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