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Overcoming Stress in the Military: Mind Calming Therapy CD

Overcoming Stress in the Military: Mind Calming Therapy CD

Overcoming Stress in the Military: Mind Calming Therapy CD
Product Number 2272
Price: $18.95
Quantity Price
1-24 $18.95
25-99 $17.95
100+ $16.95

Overcoming Stress in the Military: Mind Calming Therapy CD

This self-hypnosis CD is designed to help you to achieve a more relaxed, calm, and anxiety-free experience, not just as you listen but more and more each day of your life. Listen to the session daily at first, ideally for 30 days, and then use as and when required. With repeated use you may gain the benefit of stress relief and subconsciously you may learn to be more relaxed and free of anxiety.

This CD is also part of the Therapeutic Relaxation CD's for Military Members and Veterans Set. See product # 2270.

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